February 2012 Archives

Off with their heads!

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Tus brazos me arropan en la fría noche. Tus dulces manos no piensan dejarme ir. Tus suaves dedos me acarician hasta dejar huella.

Hace frío al borde del mar en invierno. Incluso hay nieve en la arena. Pero yo no siento frío con tu cuerpo contra el mío. Me proteges del frío como sea.

Estamos abrazados, mirando hacia el mar y más allá, la luna con todas sus acompañantes.
- Me tienes que tratar bien - te dije.
- ¿Quién iba a querer tratar mal una maravilla como tú?
- Muchos lo han hecho.
- Habría que fusilarles.
- No seas exagerado.
- No estoy siendo exagerado - replicaste dándome un beso -. Yo no pienso tratarte mal.
- Más te vale.



There is absolutely no logical explanation for what your touch makes me feel. It's exhilarating sensing your fingertips on my skin.

After being with you, my body still doesn't respond to orders and I just tremble inexplicably for a while.

When I'm with you, it feels like it's supposed to be like this, like nothing can go wrong.

I'm not in love with you, but you make me feel so alive. My body responds perfectly to yours and it's a great feeling.

It's so intense. I'm really intense with you. I don't know what you do to me. You have a sort of power that you love to see it's effects.

I like it when you breath near my neck, I like it when your lips explore every inch of my skin, I like it when our lips connect and the whole World stops spinning for a few seconds.

You are inspiring. Such, in fact, that after being with you I only want to get a piece of paper and start writing.
But after I write for a while, and while doing it my mind slips, I think about you and I run out of ideas. It's like they prefer not to be written so they can continue dreaming. 

Fuck. I'm trembling again.

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