January 2011 Archives


If you're happy with nothing you'll be so very happy with me.

Ah, music


Estoy escuchando Camille Saint-Saëns. ¿Te acuerdas?

¿Te acuerdas de esas notas del piano al comienzo de la tercera parte de nuestro movimiento favorito? El estómago me da un vuelco cuando lo escucho.

And I remember you, the second man I ever loved. The one I hurt the most probably.

Some days I feel like a terrible, terrible person.

Blood loss

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Ayer, al despertarme, tenía un SMS en mi móvil. Lo leí. Ponía: "Gracias por tu donación de sangre. Con ella tres personas han mejorado su salud."

Now, that's a nice way to start the day.

Merry new year


Feliz año a todos. Bueno, a todos los que lean este blog. Dificilmente puedo felicitarle el año a alguien que no lea este blog a traves del blog.

What a year, ey!

En realidad, ha sido interesante. Ha habido de todo.

No entiendo por qué se celebra con tanta chorrada la llegada del año nuevo. No sé, seguimos estando en invierno. Si somos estudiantes, seguimos en el mismo curso... En fin, para mí, el fin de un año no significa más que el fin de 365 días asignados a un año. Qué aguafiestas, ¿eh?

No os preocupéis, como suelo estar en un lugar remoto, no salgo y por ende no aguo la fiesta de nadie.

Desde que tengo Twitter, he conocido gente majísima. Y en cierto modo, han cambiado aspectos de mi vida. Para bien, por suerte.

Tengo un colgante muy bonito este año nuevo. Ha reemplazado a mi rana y mi cascabel. Me encanta.

Last year I was told that one of my friends like me. Like, a lot. I got angry. Yeah, I don't handle these things well, who would've thought of it, huh?
I got angry because he's a good friend. And I just didn't understand why he didn't say anything. Specially when years back I asked him about it. I understand now. It's a terrible thing not to love someone back as they would like. You can't do anything about it, it just is like that. But the thing is, why say how you feel to that person if you know the answer. You know he or she is going to say: "Thanks, but I don't love you back".
I was also angry because as my friend, he knew more than anyone that I didn't correspond him, that we were just friends, that being together wasn't really an option. So why, I asked myself again and again, did he like me for so long if he knew what was what. Now, I still don't have the answer to that. But for him, I wish this year he would forget me. It's better for him, I think.

I don't have anything else to say, I'm afraid.

I have no more words in me. Or maybe I have just no words to express what I want.

In any case, this is it.

Survive a new year, everyone!

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